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Fw: Ballot Editor: What you see is not what you get

----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 26, 2000 1:51 PM
Subject: Ballot Editor: What you see is not what you get

The Ballot Editor displays the acceptable version of the ballot, print to file and Ghostview changes one of the headers.  I moved the voting oval in one space from the box line and two candidate names appeared much larger.  Forced to move it back.  The signature box label appears much larger than it should be but resizes with a mouse click.

Greg Forsythe
Global Election Systems, Inc
24 Hirondelle Place, Ontario M3A 1V8
Phone (416) 446-1383
Fax (416) 446-1425
gfglobal@earthlink.net      www.dieboldes.com

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