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Re: Statement of Votes Cast - Separate Under, row label name on the report is incorrect.

This has fixed by Tab on April 17, the row label now display "Under Minimum Votes" instead.  The fix will be in GEMS 1-18-10.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 14:03
Subject: Statement of Votes Cast - Separate Under, row label name on the report is incorrect.

GEMS 1.18.9
On the 'Statement of Votes Cast' report screen, there is an option called separate Under'.  If you check that field and specify a number ie. 3,  it adds a new row on the report and labels the row 'Under Five.'  It should be labeling the row according to the number you've specified, so in this case it should have said 'Under Three'