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Re: The Accu-Vote YES and NO

  I agree that the current button labels are difficult to see and may
contribute to operator errors.  However, as the other postings indicate, we
cannot in general put YES and NO labels below the LCD because they would cause
confusion when the buttons themselves are covered by the plastic ballot boxes.
You can however have labels printed and used on Accu-Votes used with the paper
ballot boxes if you find that this works well for your customers.

  You might also consider labels to either side of the buttons or below the
buttons.  There is plenty of space on either side of the buttons for some very
visible labels and these should work with all ballot boxes.  For the paper
ballot boxes, labels could be placed below and in front of the buttons either
directly on the box under the Accu-Vote or on a card that is slipped under the

  If you come up with a design that works well, send samples to Ian and he
might consider making it more generally available.

Guy Lancaster <glanca@dieboldes.com>
Global Election Systems Inc., Victoria, B.C., Canada
Phone: (250)995-8627