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Re: Preference write-in tally setting

It seems like the "none of the above" category differs from write-ins in that if its a Vote for Three, it doesn't get three "none of the above" lines, as a write-in line would.  It is similar to the write-in in that it is not rotated (anywhere out west that I'm aware of).
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Clark
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: Preference write-in tally setting

This is the whole point of the Preference write-in tally setting.  Somewhere in the system, the user must be able to create a candidate of the type "no preference".  I am advised this should be posted as a bug, not an rcr.
There was a miscommunication in this advice.  Is there any point in the "no preference" candidates other than the special write-in rule?  Steve today brought up the possibility that that won't rotate in CA for example.
Also, when?