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Re: Fw: Accu-Vote printouts

Tari, can you test this by creating a memory card in some election db.  I don't understand this last part:
"Be warned that in there is no way to get more than the cards cast for the Election Zero report."  I'm confused what a zero report and cards cast have to do with each other.  Sorry.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Accu-Vote printouts

> Guy, could we get an AccuBasic Report Option that just printed out the label
> and the ballots cast by precinct only for the zero and election night
> report.  The California tape was incredibly long in this last election and
> when we combine precincts into a polling place, we really only use the
> ballots cast information for each precinct.  This would shorten up the
> morning and evening procedures.  We could always request longer reports if
> we need them.  1.94US BCST or something like that.  Please let me know.
 The "194 California" (194usca.abo) Accu-Basic report is available at ftp://ftp.dieboldes.com/pub/incoming/194usca.zip with password: ab4dkdbw8ccb .  It contains 2 files: 194usca.abo which should be copied to the gems\abasic directory and abasic.ini which should replace the one in the gems directory.

  Be warned that in there is no way to get more than the cards cast for the Election Zero report.  Steve, please let me know if this satisfies your requirements.

