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Re: Separate Ovals - Thick Ovals

The City of North Bay printed separate ovals in red, forgot to click the thick oval box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: November 10, 2000 10:49 AM
Subject: Separate Ovals - Thick Ovals

Please have thick ovals checked as a default when checking separate ovals.  Second Request.
The City of Hamilton has separate ovals printed in red but are not thick, the very purpose they were printed in red.  Very difficult to see.  They are using 160 Accu-Votes Monday with these thin red ovals.
This is about the fifth election where this mistake has happened.  Last year it was Langford, B.C.

Greg Forsythe
Global Election Systems, Inc
24 Hirondelle Place,
Toronto, Ontario M3A 1V8
Phone (416) 446-1383
Fax (416) 446-1425
gfglobal@earthlink.net      www.dieboldes.com