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VIBS undervote confirm

Posted on behalf of Larry Dix et al.  From Florida's unofficial VIBS guidelines:
The system must communicate to the voter the fact that the voter has failed to vote in a race or has failed to vote the number of allowable candidates in any race and require the voter to confirm his intent to under vote before casting the ballot.
At every candidate we tell the voter whether the current race has no votes, is partially voted, or is fully voted.  We do not, however, currently force the voter to confirm that they want to undervote a race.
I guess the solution here is to add a "nag point" before leaving the race.  If the user presses 4/6 on the first/last candidate of a race (or the proposed 8/2 prev/next race keys) and the race is not fully voted, play the following:
You have chosen to undervote this race.
To confirm, press [4/6/8/2]
To continue voting this race, press 9
The idea being, the user has to repeat the action that would have them leave the race.  Pressing 9 would put them back on the candidate they were on before they left the race.
Other solutions welcome.