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Re: Simple Rotation

Greg, I thought I had already mailed you this response, but here it is again:
  • create a cumulative 'election day' counter group without precinct IDs, for a vote center category of the same name
  • create seven dummy report precincts
  • create a precinct called 'election day' within the 'cumulative reportunits' report precinct category and link to all seven polling report precincts
  • create a vote center called ' election day' within the 'election day' vote center category and link to the 'election day' report precinct
  • create the office with seven candidates, set to rotate by precinct
  • seven ballots will be created, all acceptable to the 'election day' vote center
  • download the 'election day' vote center only
  • print Precinct Summary, SOVC and Cards Cast for the 'election day' counter group only 
----- Original Message -----
To: Support
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 11:22 AM
Subject: Simple Rotation

A small town in Alberta would like to use an Accu-Vote for a special election. 
One race, one Accu-Vote, seven candidates, vote for one.  Real easy, except they would like to rotate the candidates from ballot to ballot. 
At eight o'clock, they would like to read off the votes received for each candidate.
This will be the first rotated election for Global in Canada.  I have not set up a rotated election so far.  Any advice would be appreciated.

Greg Forsythe
Global Election Systems, Inc
24 Hirondelle Place, Ontario M3A 1V8
Phone (416) 446-1383
Fax (416) 446-1425
gfglobal@earthlink.net      www.gesn.com