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Central Count Lucid Readers

Marin and Humboldt both called yesterday stating they can not process their ballots thru their central count units.  Over half their ballots get "no ender", "no left timeing mark", "calibration error" etc.
Mike and I have been "loosening" the inner screw adjustments in Santa Barbara to get them working and now they work fine.  Clearly with folds, the ballot path must be set differently for central count than for the normal precinct count, whether we like it or not.  This is not an easy operation to do in the field, and not one doable by most customers. 
We need to determine an appropriate path clearance that includes folds for central count units during the manufacturing process and clearly mark those units as central count vs. the precinct count units. I will be referring customer complaints and letters regarding this to Larry D. and Ian.