Are you aware of the California March Closed primary "decline
to state" legislation. This means that in the March 2002 state primary, a
voter can "declare" their party at the poll if they are a "non-partisan", and
therefore vote a "party" ballot. For example, if they are not registered
for Democratic party, but they are a "decline to state" voter, they can show up
at the polling place, declare they want to vote a democratic ballot, and they
will be given one of two democratic ballots, in this case the one without the
democratic central committee race. (A normal registered democrat will get
a democrat ballot with the central committee race on it). Depending on how other
parties decide to allow the "decline to state" or nonpartisan voters to select a
party ballot, we could theoretically have up to 15 ballot types in a precinct in
March. This is FYI, and presently only the democrats have instituted this,
giving us minimally 9 ballot styles per precinct in the March election. If
several more parties go along with the democrats, we could exceed the Spyrus
capability. (Deborah - did I get this right?)