Looking for comments as to
how else to handle this situation. Les
Tippecanoe County, IN November
5, 2002
Steve Corey on site
1-17-17 GEMS
4.1.11 / WIN CE
3.0 AVTS
1.94F AVOS
County printed own early voting absentee optical scan ballots. 1700 ballots would not read and had to
be counted by hand for 82 precincts.
County activists gathered volunteer staff immediately and hand tallying
occurred in a matter of hours. To
produce reports, all 1700 ballots had to be entered into GEMS for 82 precincts
through the manual entry module.
This process took 11 hours and was not completed until
As an election night interim step, are there other alternatives for
producing election night reports that do not include manually entering full
data? Apparently the MicroVote
software had an edit function that allowed election official to manually edit
the Election Summary. Was this
similar to printing the GEMS Election Summary report to file and editing? Other alternatives?
Lesley Koop Thompson Customer Service Project
Manager Diebold Election Systems, Inc. 415-235-6553 (office
cell) 512-413-7618 (cell) lesley@dieboldes.com