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Ballot Station 4-3-11

Ballot Station 4-3-11 for Windows CE and Windows NT are ready. The passwords are:
BS_CE-4-3-11.zip       a1bnuqkbot2zr
BS_NT-4-3-11.zip        1cvd2r3no2rb1

This includes the following fixes:

  • BUG#1552 Withdrawn candidates are not displayed on the ballot but VIBS plays the candidates' names.
  • BUG#1550 Headers are counted as a pass when performing Manual or Automatic L&A.
  • BUG#1542 Text of last amendment on ballot is cut off after being downloaded to the AccuVote-TS.
  • BUG#1526 Header appears on ballot, yet is not linked to any race in GEMS.
  • BUG#1524 Electronic keyboard selections activate incorrect keys.
  • BUG#1515 Error reading Smart Card.
  • BUG#1512 Voter Access Card accepted in place of Supervisor card in Memory Card Test.
  • BUG#1483 Summary screen should not reflect user selections for Preference races.
  • BUG#1481 Number of passes in Manual Test count includes withdrawn candidate.
  • BUG#1449 Voting a VIBS ballot with multiple languages results in an error message and cancelled ballot.
  • BUG#1448 Clicking on Purge from Election Archives results in an error message.
  • BUG#1447 List of Precincts is disabled for databases with multiple precincts and one ballot when you view 'By Ballot' and then view 'By Precinct'.
  • BUG#1444 In the View Ballot screen, unable to select any ballot except the first ballot in a separate ballot election.
  • BUG#1419 Closing 'Set Date' window causes Ballot Station to freeze.
  • BUG#1268 (Con’t) Aborted download from GEMS not aborted until all files have been downloaded.