Akinori Ito


w3m is a pager/text-based WWW browser. You can browse local documents and/or documents on the WWW using a terminal emulator.


Command line usage is

    w3m [options] [file|URL]

If you specify filenames/URLs on command line, these documents are displayed. If you specify nothing, w3m reads a document from standard input and display it. If no filename and/or URLs are specified and standard input is tty, w3m terminates without displaying anything.

Options are as follows:

+<line number>
Move to the specified line.
-t width
Specify tab width. Default is 8.
When displaying text/plain document, prohibit emphasis using backspace. If you don't specify this option, ``A^H_'' is interpreted as underlined character and ``A^HA'' as a bold character.
-l number
Specify line number preserved internally when reading text/plain document fron standard input. Default is 10000.
Display documents with Shift_JIS code.
Display documents with EUC_JP code.
Display documents with ISO-2022-JP code.
-T type
Specify document type. Without this option, document type is determined from extension of a file. If the determination fails, the document is regarded as text/plain.

Read HTML document from standard input and display it

   cat hoge.html | w3m -T text/html

Display HTML source

   w3m -T text/plain hoge.html
Display document with Internet message mode. With this option, w3m determines document type from header infomation. It is useful when reading E-mail or NetNews messages.
Show the bookmark.
Monochrome display mode.
Automatically render frame.
Show linenumber.
Read document specified by URL and dump formatted text into standard output. The width of the document become 80. This width can be overridden with -cols option.
-cols width
Specify document width. Used with -dump option.
Read document specified by URL and dump the source.
Don't use proxy server.
Don't activate mouse.

Document color

Links and images are displayed as follows.
 Color modeMonochrome mode
inline imagesgreenreverse
form inputredreverse
These colors can be customized using option setting command "o".

Key binding

After invocation, you can operate w3m by one-character commands from the keyboard.

Here's the original key-binding table. If you are using Lynx-like key bindings, see here.

Page/Cursor motion

SPC,C-vForward page
b,ESC vBackward page
l,C-fCursor right
h,C-bCursor left
j,C-nCursor down
k,C-pCursor up
JRoll up one line
KRoll down one line
>Shift screen right
<Shift screen left
.Shift screen one column right
,Shift screen one column left
gGo to the first line
GGo to the last line
ESC gGo to specified line
TABMove to next hyperlink
ESC TABMove to previous hyperlink

Hyperlink operation

RETFollow hyperlink
a, ESC RETSave link to file
uPeek link URL
IView inline image
ESC ISave inline image to file
:Mark URL-like strings as anchors
ESC :Mark Message-ID-like strings as news anchors
cPeek current URL
=Display infomation about current document
FRender frame
MBrowse current document using external browser (use 2M and 3M to invoke second and third browser)
ESC MBrowse link using external browser (use 2ESC M and 3ESC M to invoke second and third browser)

File/Stream operation

VView new file
@Execute shell command and load
#Execute shell command and browse

Buffer operation

BBack to the previous buffer
vView HTML source
sSelect buffer
EEdit buffer source
RReload buffer
SSave buffer
ESC sSave source
ESC eEdit buffer image

Bookmark operation

ESC bLoad bookmark
ESC aAdd current to bookmark


/,C-sSearch forward
?,C-rSearch backward
nSearch next

Mark operation

C-SPCSet/unset mark
PGo to previous mark
NGo to next mark
"Mark by regular expression


!Execute shell command
HHelp (load this file)
oSet option
qQuit (with confirmation, if you like)
QQuit without confirmation

Line-edit mode

C-fMove cursor forward
C-bMove cursor backward
C-hDelete previous character
C-dDelete current character
C-kKill everything after cursor
C-uKill everything before cursor
C-aMove to the top of line
C-eMove to the bottom of line
SPCComplete filename