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Re: GEMS 1-7-11-3 manual entry candidate total balancing

This is the way how it works. If times counted different from the candidate total the race is grayed out. You can skip betweene races and press OK button, but if there are some unbalance races then warning message is displayed and first unbalance race highlighted.
There was a bug when after closing warning message 'Race Counts Inconsistent' race times counted overwrites with cards times counted even 'Use cards cast for eace times counted' checkbox is unchecked. This has been fixed.

Manual entry is selected for a report precinct, the manual entry combination is selected, and the Manual Entry window is activated.  The number of times counted is entered under the Cards tab, the Race tab is selected, and the number of times counted is entered next to a candidate in a vote for one race.


The race entry in the left-hand title column is greyed, and another race may be selected or the OK button clicked, even though the times counted value was not entered, and the 'Use cards cast for race times counted' flag under the Cards tab was not selected.


Furthermore, if a candidate total different from the times counted value for a race is entered for a race, another race may be selected or the OK button clicked subsequently, which should not be allowed, ie., the user should be forced to balance the race entry before continuing.

