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Manual modification of rotation

Posted on behalf of Barry Herron. 
"Permit manual adjustment of rotation schemes generated by GEMS."
Currently, the GEMS data model does not support this, so it is not a trivial task.  To move forward on this RCR, the project manager would have to work with Minnesota and detail how GEMS should provide this feature.  Some of the development group have talked about this in the past and didn't come up with any good ideas. 
In particular it is tough to define, exactly, what a manual adjustment is with respect to.  GEMS stores the rotation information with ballots.  More than one base precinct can use the same Ballot.  If a manual adjustment is made to a ballot, does it affect voters in all base precincts that use that ballot, or only a given base precinct?  How would the user specify the adjustment -- ie what would the user interface look like?
As a final note, this feature begs the question "why?".  GEMS provides excellent mechanisms for automatic ballot generation according to statute.

Ken Clark