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Wireless transmission

Posted on behalf of Barry Herron.
"The potential for wireless transmission of precinct results in some or all precincts".
We will be much closer to being able to provide this feature with the release of the 2.0 AccuVote firmware.  The 2.0 release support transmission of results over TCP/IP.  TCP/IP is the protocol used in the internet, and most of the bi-directional wireless networking solutions out there.  2.0 is expected this spring.
After 2.0 is released, there are really no technical barriers to making this work.  It would probably take two or three dedicated months from our current development team to get something running. 
I think, though, that some serious thought should be put into whether this is really a very smart way of conducting an election.  My first reservation is reliability.  It would be an awfully expensive lesson to find that sun-spots on the day of election caused us report late.  Second is cost.  Wireless modems still seem to live in the $400-$600 range.  Buying a piece of equipment like that just so that poll workers don't have to find a phone jack sounds questionable.  Finally, is security.  It is all fine and well to upload results over the internet, but we don't exactly have a lot of experience in internet security in this company, and government computers are crackers favorite targets.
I will move this RCR directly onto the Open track since there really is no current plans for development.  After AccuTouch integration and AccuVote 2.0 are in place, the project manager for Minnesota should follow up on this RCR and explore where it fits in our company's long term development plans.
Ken Clark