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Re: Fw: Accu-Vote printouts

 this is good BUT  can we change the card #'s from 10000 something to the gems Card #'s - i.e. card 1, card 2 etc -  since this is from the VTS days and we in Gems do not use the 10000 numbers on the ballots anymore

  I'll see what I can do.

  And regarding:

Tari, can you test this by creating a memory card in some election db.  I don't understand this last part:"Be warned that in there is no way to get more than the cards cast for the Election Zero report."  I'm confused what a zero report and cards cast have to do with each other.  Sorry.

the original RCR specified:

Guy, could we get an AccuBasic Report Option that just printed out the label
and the ballots cast by precinct only for the zero and election night
report.  The California tape was incredibly long in this last election and
when we combine precincts into a polling place, we really only use the
ballots cast information for each precinct.  This would shorten up the
morning and evening procedures.  We could always request longer reports if
we need them.  1.94US BCST or something like that.  Please let me know.
----- Original Message -----
From: Vernon McDonald <VMcDonal@co.tulare.ca.us>
To: <skglobal@earthlink.net>
Cc: Candy Lopez <CLopez.PO1.VIS@co.tulare.ca.us>; Hiley Wallis
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Accu-Vote printouts

> Can we have an option to only have the Accu-vote tape print total ballets
cast by precinct at each location instead of printing the detail of all
races?  This would be both at the beginning of election day (zero report)
and at the close of the polls.

which indicates to me that the zero report is to print only the cards cast.  Am I wrong?

  I put the note in because of Steve's comment:

"... We could always request longer reports if we need them. "
and because Vernon asked for "an option" which doesn't apply to the zero report with the current design.  If this is not the desired behavior then perhaps we need a prompt in the Election Zero Report as to whether to print cards cast only or full zero totals.  For the Election Results, they can press NO at "READY TO TURN UNIT OFF" and then they'll be prompted for what type of report to print.
